Geography of foreign countries and tourism

The chair of foreign countries’ economical and political geography was established under the auspices of the chair of economic and social geography in 1961. Since 2004 it is called as the chair of foreign countries’ economic and social geography and tourism. From 1961 until 1980 an outstanding geographer and scientist Professor Hadi Aliyev Badal headed up the chair. From 1996 associate professor Habiba Soltanova Bayramali, Ph.D. in geographical sciences, is the chief of the chair. Since 2001 the chair trains specialists in “Tourism and social and cultural service”. Curriculums, methodical instructions, textbooks and teaching aids in Azerbaijani were published for Bachelor’s degree and Master’s degree programs. 

Since 1997 the chair initiated Master’s degree programs for students on 2 specializations – “Regional geography and international tourism”, “Economic and social geography of the world”, and from 2004 – “Tourism and social and cultural service”. A special attention is paid to preparing academic human resources in the chair. Over the past 5 years one person (N.G. Mammadov) defended a thesis for doctoral degree and 2 persons (G.J. Jafarova and E.Y. Alakbarli) defended their Ph.D. theses. Currently there are 3 postgraduate students and 3 candidates for a degree in the chair. The chair’s team takes part in tourism related events of the Culture and Tourism Ministry of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Some students with tourism major are doing practical work in foreign countries (the USA, Turkey, Cyprus).