Economical and sosial geography
The chair of economic and social geography was created in 1960. Starting from that year until 1990 Prof. A.M. Hajizadeh headed up the chair. From the establishment date the chair turned into a center of scientific research and study for economic and social geography and strengthened its human resource capacity thanks to young academic workforce.
The chief of the chair, associate professor Tapdyg Hasanov Gulahmad, Ph.D. in economic sciences, has been working in the chair from 1969. From 1991 up to present he has been holding a position of chair chief. He is the author of more than 100 scientific works. Among them noteworthy are “Severe social and economic consequences of occupation of Azerbaijani territories by armenia” (a monograph in Azerbaijani, Russian and Kazakhi languages), as well as textbooks on “Research methods of geography”, “History of geography”, etc.